I haven't blogged since last August. I am sorry to those who have wanted to check on how things are going with Chrysalis House and the ministry. I started school in Austin in August of last year for Non-Profit Leadership and Management...I will graduate from the course in June of this year. I have not only been busy with classes, not to mention the 5 hour drive to Austin, but I have been very busy with our ministry. I have been working from home, but in reality, my office is probably more in my car than on a desk.
Last Fall, W.O.W.S. was accepted onto the North American Mission Board where people all over the nation could look at our project for a possible mission trip for their church groups. I listed one project at a time, beginning with the roof. We have money in our building fund for all the roofing materials, but did not have enough for the labor, this was just one of the reasons that I wanted to be approved by the NAMB, so that we could get help. Our organization had a few hits from churches in South Texas, Tennessee, Kansas and Missouri...the project was either too big for what their group or we didn't meet their needs as a group. A few weeks ago, we finally got a church who was very interested, I sent them pictures and even gave them a satellite view of the building just to give them an out in case they wanted it....but Praise God, they committed and now a church from Oklahoma is coming May 30 - through the first week of June to start the roofing of Chrysalis House.
We are looking for other churches at this time who might want to help...volunteers who will help cook, bring food, drinks etc. for this group of people. As our community is doing the One Month To Live, our board ask that you prayerfully consider if this might be a spot that the Lord can use you. You can email me through this blog and let me know if you are interested. If you can't help physically, monetarily, we ask that you please lift us up in prayer. Very Sincerely, Tammy