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Monday, May 24, 2010


We need help removing shingles Saturday May 29, if anyone would like to help take out some frustrations by shoveling off shingles, come on by to Chrysalis House. We are trying to give the group that is coming to install the roof a head start on the will go faster with more than a few people helping to remove the old shingles. We would really appreciate it very much!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Roof starting May 31 - June 6

Little City Baptist Church from Little City, Oklahoma will be arriving on Sunday May 30th and will be staying at the Cross Country Cowboy Church in Sulphur Springs, TX. The group from Little City made 2 trips down to Chrysalis House for a site visit, and I (Tammy) made a trip to their church to give the whole body a presentation of our ministry. After my visit to their church in Little City, they gave us a nice brisket dinner with all the fixings. They are a precious group of people who will bless our community while they are here.

The group will start the installation of the roof for Chrysalis House the following Monday on May 31st. We have purchased all of the roofing materials needed in the amount of $21,029.36 from Lowe's of Sulphur Springs, and we would love for anyone who knows how to use a hammer to come on out and help. We are going to try and strip the old shingles off which is only one layer of shingles the weekend before the group from OK arrives, so that when they start on Monday, they can just start with the roofing. Trey Norris is letting us use his dump truck to hall all of the old shingles to Sells Recycling in Yantis. Don Sapaugh and Jimmy Bailey is allowing us the use of their front end loaders to carry shingles from rooftop to dump truck. There are many others who will be participating in helping us out, and we are so excited about this next step.

We are really praying that we have enough help to complete the entire roof installation instead only a portion of the roof. If you or someone you know would like to help, please contact us. We will have all of the materials already purchased for the entire roof.